Working my thoughts out into (hopefully) coherent sentences.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Coming Attractions

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for following me from MySpace! I'm following Aaron's suggestion and moving my blog here so everyone can comment. Let the smart-alecky free-for-all begin!

Over the next few weeks I hope to record some thoughts here in preparation for Christmas. We'll see how that goes since we're also going to be heading to Mongolia within a (very) few weeks. My experience with moving to the Philippines tells me I'm not going to have time to think, let alone blog, but I guess we'll see what happens. I might at least be recording some of our first experiences/impressions upon entering Mongolia as residents.

If anyone reading this is unaware of my previous blog, it's at if you're interested.



Basir Seerat's Photography. said...

excellent blog , very nice color, excellent profile , very interasting , please post some more and share it to all

Anonymous said...

I also can now keep up with you. My work blocks MySpace, so I couldn't read your blogs from work before now.

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