Working my thoughts out into (hopefully) coherent sentences.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Geography Lessons

I have two more blogs to post in my pre-Christmas series, but have gotten distracted by boxes named gray zipper, blue zipper, black zipper, box 1 and box 2. They look very similar if not the same, but FedEx recommends they not be made out of ticky tacky. Anyway, I hope to return to the four-part Christmas blog series at some point. You're supposed to be keeping the spirit of Christmas alive in your hearts year-round anyway, so just work with me.

One requirement of shipping internationally with FedEx is that a Commercial Invoice must be completed for each box listing each item in the box, the country of manufacture, quantity, unit price, and total price. Imagine condensing your life down to 5-7 boxes, 62 linear inches each, and then inventorying each one in this way. What would you find?

The most interesting thing to me is the various locations our clothing came from. My wardrobe is vastly more well-traveled than I am. So far women's tank tops have provided the most exotic locales, including Macau and Lesotho. A few items are made in the USA but most are not. This begs the following question: What exactly do we do all day? This must be why the economy is tanking.

I am disappointed to see that I only have one item of clothing from Cambodia, as I have heard they have strict laws against sweat shops there. I tried once to look for information about where to buy clothes manufactured in a way that provided good working conditions for the people who made them. What I found was (at that time) there wasn't a good way to pay attention to only one social issue. I couldn't just care about people without caring about animals and environmental issues, too. Those things are ok, but I think I'll only try to save the world one issue at a time.

Merry Christmas everyone! "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."


Anonymous said...

I'll just be honest; your first sentence doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

I take that back. Your first two sentences don't make any sense.

One Way to Retain My Sanity said...

I guess you didn't see the basement yesterday. Feel free to ask questions about the first two sentences if this doesn't help.

Lenity said...

I think of that song every time I drive to Olathe! I think I first heard it on an Encyclopaedia Britannica that you or Aimee had on CD when we were in jr. high.

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